Emons | DIGITAL is a business unit of Emons Spedition GmbH that was launched in 2021 to identify and develop new digital and innovative business models and bring them to market maturity. The Cologne-based strategic area expands the classic operational area and essentially deals with the three core areas of Cultural Change, Incubation and Acceleration.
The Cultural Change unit focuses on training all people who work for Emons in new methods, trends and technologies. Events, workshops and learning formats are used to promote exchange and communicate new ways of working and communicating. In this way, Cultural Change forms an essential basis for the projects that take place in the incubation program.
The incubation program of Emons | DIGITAL serves to identify and implement new digital and innovative projects within the organization. The program consists of the 3 phases: PROBLEM, SOLUTION and SCALING. Those who convince the Digital Board with their pitch will make it to the next phase of the program with their team. Emons | DIGITAL supports the project teams with regular coaching, investment and external support to implement their projects in a targeted and autonomous manner.
In order to solve identified problems, needs or potentials more quickly, Emons | DIGITAL cooperates with external startups and programs, participates in external events and always seeks an open exchange.